Wednesday, June 13, 2007

PONDERING: Is this Dove campaign for real?

Dove's Sleeveless Ready Campaign cracks me up! As if woman didn't have enough things to worry about in regards to their appearance, here comes a company that promotes women's true beauty, begin to make women worry about the beauty and appearance of their armpit.

When Dove asks consumers, "Think your underarms are beautiful?" Personally, I'm not trying to debate with anyone if they're beautiful or not, I'm rather worried about if they're smelly or not.

I do agree with BL Ochman's blog entry, Dove's Sleeveless Ready Campaign: File Under WTF?', when she said that the campaign would be better if Dove leaned toward a something humorous, rather than of serious concern. In America, most of us are concerned with our everyday appearance, however we must not forget that there are also women in other countries worried about their lives and if they're going to see tomorrow or not- and I'm sure they could care less about their armpits.

So I think that the Dove campaign for their new deodorant goes a little too far. Dove should focus on raising the self-esteem of our future children, and adults now, by teaching and showing us that real beauty isn't about your armpits, it's about the way you feel inside about yourself. Sure you can't deny that appearance doesn't have something to do with our personal perceptions (we do live in a culture that is very concerned with beauty), but Dove should instead focus on helping people recognize that beauty starts within.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you Julie! I have been surprised at the number of people who feel that the Dove armpit ads are fine the way they are.

I don't object to anything that helps with better grooming, or beauty, but Dove completely missed the opportunity to make armpits FUN and to have a sense of humor about them.

It would be so great for a lot of companies to LIGHTEN UP!