Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Graduation time is upon us, or rather upon my friends and I. I have no idea what this weekend will hold and though I'm looking forward to the ceremony, I'm kind of scared at the same time. It's weird to know that next fall I won't be coming back here and moving into a new house with friends, I won't be packing up my backpack full of school supplies, or dreading spending $300 on text books. I have a great summer ahead of me, if I can even call it summer anymore.

So as I turned in my last final this afternoon, I didn't really know what to do with myself. Do I jump up and down and cheer or do I sit back and realize that this serene moment only occurs once in my life?

The next few days are going to be rather insane as I see it. Lots of goodbyes, lots of cheers, lots of photos and lots of hugs. Maybe this will be the best transition into the "real-PR world" as my mentors call it...

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